• Exams take from 30 to 90 minutes. Average is 45 minutes
  • Time varies with the type and number of sequences ranging from 2 to 10 minutes each.
  • Patient must lie absolutely still for these long sequences. 
  • The referring doctor should be familiar with the facility so they can properly explain the procedure to the patient. Well informed patients are less anxious about the exam. 


  • The patient should dress comfortably without any metal. It is very important that no ferrous metallic object go into the unit.
  • Horrible accident have happened when metal goes into the magnet room. 
  • Credit cards should not be taken to the facility as the information may be erased by the magnet.


  • The patient is placed on the MRI table.
  • Surface coils are placed on the area being studies.
  • The patient is the guided into the gantry.
  • The technologist will tell the patient when the sequence will begin and how long it will last.
  • At this point, the patient will hear the sounds of the gradient magnets switching on a off. It will sound like load knocking noises or rhythmic beating noise emanating from the magnet.
  • Many facilities provide earphone and a choice of music for the patient or noise suppression equipment.
  • Claustrophobia is the main complication of the MRI exam, occurring about 5% of the time. A mild tranquilizer may alleviate the problem.Sometime placing the patient prone in the scanner may help.

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